Monday, 30 September 2019

Renovate and Redesign your Home: Here’s to the Best Trends of 2019

Half of the year has already passed with only a couple of months remaining. If your New Year’s resolution was to see your home renovated, then you have got not much time remaining.

However, if you need some awareness, a little push, some inspiration, we are here to lure you towards success! Down you can see a bunch of HOME DESIGNING: TRENDS TO FOLLOW IN 2019:

A Retreat to Nature

In the decadent times of the present, Nature expects our full attention for the benefit of our own race. Thus, we can put our little efforts even in our home designing and construction. At least that is what we see reflecting vibrantly in 2019. For example – using natural stones like marble and granite in the place of their concrete or metal substitutes are environment-friendly as well as trending loudly!

Floral Prints

This millennium has already seen the rise of floral prints and the present year is embracing the same more than ever. Besides, the prints have started to appear in bigger and brighter forms.
Floral prints are emerging as the ultimate trend was thrown uniquely on the bathroom walls, or craftily as the design of your cushions and bedsheets.

Bringing in the Richness of the Colours

Gone are the days when people used to play safe using the neutral colour palette. Now, with the increase in experimentation along with the advancements in interior designing, home decors are coming up with an interesting display of bright and warm colours. Sunflower yellow, bright red, pompous pink and natural green are some of the hues used extensively these days.